Descendingascending is an ongoing series of short films that combine time-lapse footage of wilting and growing flowers with sound to create cinematic collages. They encourage a reflection on beauty and waste as well as on transience, growth and resurrection.
I have put my focus on ordinary cut flowers. I am fascinated by the individual behaviour of each plant and so the short clips develop their own lives as well.
The film material consists of high-resolution individual images. To do this, I built a setup that synchronizes a still camera with a lighting system. The lighting system is controlled by a minicomputer. The camera takes a picture every ten minutes over a period of 3-4 weeks.
The sound design is inspired by the modulation of a single sample, which makes the sun's rays audible as vibrations.
Descendingascending is an ongoing series of short films that combine time-lapse footage of wilting and growing flowers with sound to create cinematic collages. They encourage a reflection on beauty and waste as well as on transience, growth and resurrection.
I have put my focus on ordinary cut flowers. I am fascinated by the individual behaviour of each plant and so the short clips develop their own lives as well.
The film material consists of high-resolution individual images. To do this, I built a setup that synchronizes a still camera with a lighting system. The lighting system is controlled by an Arduino minicomputer. The camera takes a picture every ten minutes over the period of 3-4 weeks. The sound design is inspired by the modulation of a single sample, which makes the sun's rays audible as vibrations.
a project by Olaf Bastigkeit
supported from